FREE Delivery



Free door-to-door pickup and delivery service for your cleaning and laundry. Save your valuable time and eliminate a chore – no more trips to the cleaners with Royal Majestic.

Find out why over 10,000 families in Northern Chicago have used Royal Majestic for free pickup and delivery. It’s easy, reliable and guaranteed.

Just sign up below and we’ll call within 24 hours to confirm. We’ll tell you what day our deliveryman will be in your neighborhood for twice a week pickup and delivery. He’ll bring your reusable Royal Majestic laundry bag and leave it wherever you tell us: front, back or side door, garage or gazebo, home or office, you name it.

Our deliveryman picks up and delivers crisp, fresh cleaning and laundry twice a week. Your credit card account is billed once a month. And every item, every time, comes with the Royal Majestic guarantee of 100% satisfaction.

Map of the areas we serve

Sign up for Free Pick-up & Delivery now
and get $2.07 shirts for two months!

After filling out our form you’ll get a voucher to use to start your savings! There’s no catch, no comittment. We just want you to see how easy our service is.

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